

Report from Austria

Don Bosco-Gymnasium
In the schoolyear 2017/2018 we had two major activities, to inform parents and students of the Don Bosco-Gymnasium about Coubertin and Olympism:

Tag des Gymnasiums

November 2017

In November 2017, at the “Tag des Gymnasiums”, a day, on which schools try to inform the students of the benefits of graduating in a secondary school (Gymnasium), we turned the name of the day  to “Coubertin-Day”. The participants of the last forum presented all 14 and 15 year old students the forum in Ülenurme, the aims of Coubertin and Olympic values. Many students were impressed, because they didn’t know about this activities in and of our school

Tag der offenen Tür

April 2018

At the “Tag der offenen Tür” in April 2018 the participants of the last forum in Ülenurme organised a workshop for parents and younger, prospective students. They presented the last forum in Estonia and spoke about their experiences at the forum. Furthermore they explained, why the school is part of the network of Coubertin-schools. At this event, about 200 parents and children probably heard for the first time about Pierre de Coubertin and the network of Coubertin-schools, which the Don Bosco-Gymnasium is part of. Perhaps in some years, some of the children will be participants of one of the next forums!