International Pierre de Coubertin Committee
The International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (IPCC) was established in 1975 by Dr. Paul Martin, Mr. Jacques Guhl and Mr. Raymond Pittet from Lausanne. They knew well Pierre de Coubertin. Their main goal was to make known worldwide the person, the integrity of the works of Pierre de Coubertin and more specifically his main purpose for renovating the Olympic Games and the values that they hold.
The International Olympic Committee assisted them in setting up the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee and officially granted the IPCC its recognition in 1984.
These Statutes are based on the mission of the IPCC which defines its obligations and the structure of the committee. The mission is to educate by transferring knowledge and better understanding of Pierre de Coubertin’s works today, to recognize and work together with IPCC members, the National Pierre de Coubertin Committees and Pierre de Coubertin schools who form the main structure of the IPCC.
1. Name, Object, Seat, Duration
1. 1
The “INTERNATIONAL PIERRE DE COUBERTIN COMMITTEE”, hereinafter referred to as the “IPCC”, was established in Lausanne in 1975 as a not-for-profit association with the status of a legal person in accordance with articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code.
The object of the IPCC is as follows:
- To seek to make known the works of Pierre de Coubertin in their entirety, to identify the main lines of his thinking, and to ensure their dissemination throughout the world in order to contribute to human development and to finding solutions to current problems;
- To promote and foster the study of Pierre de Coubertin’s integral humanism and his pedagogical and social thinking in order to identify more specifically the moral, civic, cultural and pedagogical teaching resulting from these;
- To apply Pierre de Coubertin’s educational leitmotifs to present day in order to strengthen objective identification with Coubertin as the founder of the Olympic Movement and promoter of sport as a tool for character development, social change and transcultural respect;
- To coordinate such study entrusted to the IPCC members or external experts selected on the basis of their specific expertise;
- To contribute to the adoption of rules and methods in accordance with such teaching, from which the Olympic Spirit originates;
- To honour and reward those people, bodies or entities whose conduct or activity best serves the ideals of Pierre de Coubertin;
- To work with those national and international organisations that have undertaken to disseminate the Olympic Spirit and further the legacy of Pierre de Coubertin;
- To ensure the international coordination of the activities of its members in their respective countries and of any Pierre de Coubertin committees and schools that it has officially recognised.
The IPCC’s seat is in LAUSANNE.
The duration of the IPCC is unlimited.
2. Members
Member categories
The IPCC comprises active members, the President of the French Pierre de Coubertin Committee, honour members, donating members and National Pierre de Coubertin Committees, recognized by the IPCC General Assembly (Ordinary Members). Pierre de Coubertin Schools, recognized by the IPCC General Assembly, are extraordinary members.
Active members are natural persons who show by their membership their intention to participate in the activities of the IPCC.
Honour members are natural or legal persons who may or may not be IPCC members and who have provided outstanding services to the IPCC or made distinguished contributions to the study and dissemination of Pierre de Coubertin’s works. A former IPCC President can be appointed as President of Honour for having provided outstanding services for a long period of time to the IPCC.
President of Honour and honour members do not pay annual fees.
Donating members are those who have made a substantial donation contributing to the financing of the IPCC`s activities.
National Pierre de Coubertin Committees, recognized by the IPCC General Assembly, are represented by their president while they are in office. They present a report to the IPCC General Assembly at least every two years and have one vote at the General Assembly.
Pierre de Coubertin Schools, recognized by the IPCC General Assembly, are extraordinary members. They do not pay annual fees and are represented by one person at the General Assembly without voting right. They present a report to the IPCC General Assembly at least every two years.
Nomination – Admission
Honour members and donating members are recognized by the General Assembly upon proposal of the Board, by the majority provided for in article
President of Honour is proposed and recognized by the General Assembly by the same majority.
New active members are approved by the Executive Board. Natural Persons can submit a specific membership application or they can be proposed by an active IPCC member if they consider them qualified.
General duties
All members undertake to abide by these statutes.
All IPCC members undertake to promote the object of the association.
Only active members (2.1.2.) are required to pay annual fees which cover the period between 1st January and 31 December of each year. Fees are set up by the General Assembly.
All IPCC ordinary members have the right to vote at the General Assembly.
Only natural persons may be elected to the Board including the Executive Board.
Termination of membership
An IPCC member may terminate their membership by sending written resignation by recorded delivery to the Secretary General at least 20 days prior to the annual General Assembly. After such deadline, annual fees shall be payable for the following year.
The Board may also exclude a member for non-payment of contributions over two consecutive years.
The Board may also expel a member with or without stating its reasons (72 cc).
3. Bodies
Various bodies
The bodies of the IPCC are as follows:
- The General Assembly (Ordinary and Extraordinary);
- The Board;
- The Executive Board;
- Auditors.
Ordinary General Assembly
The General Assembly is convened by letter by the President in agreement with the Executive Board at least 30 days in advance, in which case the postmark shall constitute proof of the date of sending or the electronic mail.
The letter convening the General Assembly includes the agenda.
The General Assembly is held once a year.
The General Assembly is the IPCC’s supreme organ.
The powers of the General Assembly include the following in particular:
- Approval of the agenda;
- Approval of the minutes of the previous General Assembly;
- Approval of the accounts and report of the auditors;
- Granting of discharge to Board members (including Executive Board members) and auditors;
- Election of Board members (including Executive Board members);
- Election of auditors and alternate;
- Amendments to the statutes;
- Approval of all activities related to the object of the association;
- Nomination of honour members and donating members;
- Nomination of honour President;
- Deciding on member expulsion in the event of an appeal;
- Setting of annual fees;
- Recognition of National Pierre de Coubertin Committees upon their request and after the proposal of the Executive Board. The recognition criteria are determined by the General Assembly;
- Recognition of Pierre de Coubertin Schools upon their request and after the proposal of the Executive Board.
The General Assembly is chaired by the outgoing President or a Board member until the election of the new President.
Votes or elections take place by a show of hands. Nevertheless, a secret ballot shall be held if requested by a member who has the right to vote.
The General Assembly may validly deliberate regardless of the number of members present or represented by written proxy.
Right of representation
All members who have the right to vote may represent a maximum of two other members as long as they have written proxy.
The General Assembly takes decisions by a majority of the votes present or represented.
Amendments to the statutes and the nomination of honour members (and honour President) and donating members shall be made with a two-thirds majority of the votes present or represented.
Proposals for amendments to the statutes shall be sent annually to the Board by the Executive Board prior to 31 January. They shall then be submitted to the General Assembly.
Only proposals other than amendments to the statutes sent to the Executive Board 10 days prior to the General Assembly shall be presented under “Any other business”.
Extraordinary General Assembly
Convocation and allocation
An extraordinary General Assembly may be convened either by the Board or by one-fifth of the members.
When the members make such request, it must be sent in writing to the Board by recorded delivery or electronically to the Secretary General. In such cases, the Board is obliged to convene the General Assembly within a maximum of 30 days.
The convocation shall indicate the exact reason for which one-fifth of the members request that the General Assembly be convened.
The agenda shall not include any items under “Any other business” or of any other sort.
When the object of the General Assembly is to grant discharge to the former Board (including the former Executive Board), the former President or a Board member shall chair the extraordinary General Assembly.
The Board comprises the following:
- the President;
- Three Vice-Presidents, one of them being a Delegate for the International Network of Pierre de Coubertin schools;
- the Secretary General;
- the Treasurer.
The Board comprises a maximum of 10 (ten) members (including the members of the Executive Board), elected by the General Assembly. It can have 4 (four) to 6 (six) additional “corresponding members” representing the main regions of the world and relevant, ´on-going IPCC projects`, elected by the General Assembly or co-opted by the Board in exercise of its duties, pending of the confirmation by the next meeting of the General Assembly.
Honour members and honour President(s), may take part in Board deliberations in an advisory capacity.
The Board itself determines the potential duties of the Vice-Presidents and its members.
Board members (including the Executive Board) are elected for four years. They may be re-elected.
The Board shall meet at least once a year.
The Board is convened by the President or at the request of half of its members.
The Board shall not validly deliberate unless at least three members are present.
In the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.
The Board is responsible for applying the statutes and implementing the decisions of the General Assembly. The Executive Board is also responsible for applying the decisions of the Board.
Internally, the Board validly represents the Association before its members.
Financial commitments may be undertaken only by the President or the Treasurer, with an individual signature, or, in case of impediment, by other members of the Executive Board with a joint signature by two members.
Board members (including Executive Board members) are not paid except when they are on special mission.
The IPCC is legally represented by its President.
Executive Board
The Executive Board comprises the following:
- the President;
- the Vice-Presidents;
- the Secretary General;
- the Treasurer.
The Executive Board:
- Represents the IPCC externally;
- Deals with current affairs;
- Implements the decisions of the General Assembly and of the Board;
- Prepares meetings of the General Assembly and of the Board;
- Ensures compliance with these Statutes, the internal regulations relating to the organisation of the IPCC and all provisions necessary for the proper implementation of the aforementioned rules;
- Manages the IPCC’s funds.
The Executive Board acts as the representative of the association. It is represented by the joint signature of the President and Secretary General or the Treasurer and Secretary General.
The Executive Board is convened by the President, on the initiative of the President or at the request of the majority of its members. It shall meet at least two times a year unless there is an eventual emergency. One of these meetings must take place prior to the annual meeting of the General Assembly. The Executive Board takes decisions by a majority of the votes cast. Three members of the Executive Board must be present to ensure the validity of the deliberations.
The Executive Board may validly meet by teleconference or via instant messaging tools, in particular Skype.
The deliberations of the Executive Board are subject to a quorum rule by virtue of which the effective presence of the majority of members is required. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.
There are two auditors and one alternate.
The auditors are selected outside of the CIPC.
The auditors are appointed for one year and may be re-elected.
4. Funds
The IPCC’s funds come from member annual fees, donations and subsidies, and exceptional funding such as conferences and products linked to the popularisation and dissemination of the works and thinking of Pierre de Coubertin.
5. Intellectual Property Protection
The public use by the IPCC members of the name and the logo of the IPCC requires prior authorization of the Executive Board.
6. Dissolution, Use of Potential Assets and Liability for Potential Debts
The dissolution of the IPCC shall be determined only by an extraordinary General Assembly, which shall have only this item on the agenda.
No quorum is necessary for dissolution.
The decision to dissolve the IPCC shall be taken only by a three-quarters majority of members present, and no member may be represented.
The outgoing Board shall act as liquidator.
Use of potential assets and liability for potential debt
Potential assets shall be given to a Swiss institution exempt of taxes in view of its non-for-profit public service utility.
Board members (including Executive Board members) shall not be liable for any debts.
7. Supplementary Provisions, Entry into Force and Transitional Provisions
For all cases not provided for by these statutes, the rules in articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code shall be applicable in a supplementary capacity.
These statutes shall enter into force upon approval by the General Assembly.
Upon entry into force, these statutes shall supersede all previous IPCC statutes. In case of a discrepancy between the French and the English texts of these Rules, the French text shall prevail.
All issues that are pending upon the entry into force of these statutes shall in principle be dealt with in accordance with the new statutes, unless otherwise determined by the Board. Such decision may not be appealed.