Report from Ukraine
Secondary school #142 Dnipro City
Olympic education 2017-2018
Our school wants to become a Coubertin School and the Olympic education has a long tradition in our school
Olympic week
8-13.09.17 /// 1-11 classes
Olympic lesson »Olympians of Ukraine. Where do patriots come from?«, the video lesson »Coubertin School«, the poster competition on the topic »Get up from the couch!«, the exhibition of literature »Sport and Health«, drawing competition »I and sports«, a traditional athletics relay race, a drag race and a football match.
Olympic lesson with an Olympic medalist!
20.09.17 /// 5-9 classes
Anna Ryzhikova-Yaroshchuk is visiting our children
During the year /// 5-11 classes
Football competitions, futsal competition, volleyball competition, basketball 3x3 competition, athletic competition ``Starts of hopes``
Health - the most valuable treasure
3.10.17 /// 1-4 classes Photo exhibition
The school tour of intellectual competitions »Connoisseurs of Olympic Sport«
29.11.17 /// 4 and 8 classes
The district tour
of intellectual competitions »Connoisseurs of Olympic sports«
15.12.17 /// 4 and 8 classes
Awarding the winner
… of the All-Ukrainian Contest of Student Scientific Works on the History of the Olympic Movement. Yachmennykova Angelina, the 11th class
21.12.17 /// 11 class
Olympic Baby Stork
School tour Ukrainian sports events for children »Olympic Baby Stork«
25.01.18 /// 5-7 classes
The city tour of Ukrainian sport events for children »Olympic Baby Stork«.
5.04.18 /// 5-7 classes
Prize winners!
Regional tour of the All-Ukrainian sport and mass event for children »Olympic Baby Stork«.
26.04.18 /// 5-7 classes
The fifth ceremony
… of awarding students Medal »Award Fair Play« and competition »Olympic agitation«
13.12.17 /// 6th classes
Educational hour
»The motocross achievements of Tsap Dmitry, a student of the 9th grade.«
22.12.17 /// 9th class
Olympic brain – ring
Intellectual competitions
27.03.18 /// 8th classes
School Olympics Easter Festival!
2.04.18 /// 1-4 and 5-11 classes
The International Day of Sport
… for the Sake of Peace and Development! Our guest is the sports club »Sturm«
6.04.18 /// 5-10 classes
Sport stars of the school
Photo gallery, elementary School
10.04.18 /// 1-4 classes
The geography of the Olympic Games
Extracurricular event for students of the 8th grade
12.04.18 /// 8 classes
Pierre de Coubertin. Olympic Values
Binary educational event in English and German for the students of the 8-A form on the topic