Integration through sport in France

Christian Seychal, member of the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee in France, has created in Paris an exhibition “Le monde en Bleu”, “The World in Blue”. This title comes from the usual encouragement to French athletes “Allez les bleus – Let’s go Blues”. Christian is sending the following message:
At a time when the Summer Games are returning to France for the first time in 100 years, I want to show that France’s sporting diversity is a national strength, bringing together champions from all backgrounds, reflecting migratory flows, colonial histories or romantic passions. At the time of these Summer Games, this diversity will be particularly highlighted. The exhibition “Le monde en Bleu” (The World in Blue) celebrates more than 100 years of amazing French champions and rich sporting history, illustrating the values of unity, cohesion, inclusion, diversity and sharing, as well as the national pride in being together with our differences.
Christian Seychal invites the public to discover the specific nature of French sport as an agent of human unity through the Olympics and Paralympics.
“Le Monde en Bleu / The World in Blue will be on show until 30 September 2024 at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, avenue Albert de Mun, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.

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