
Mission completed.

The Association of National Pierre de Coubertin Committees of Latin America celebrated the IV International Latin American Pierre de Coubertin Symposium from 15 to 17 October 2024 with the theme: “TENSIONS AND CHALLENGES OF THE PEDAGOGICAL LEGACY OF COUBERTIN IN THE CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY“. This edition of the traditional symposium was hosted by the National Pierre de Coubertin Committee of Uruguay under the chairmanship of Prof. Héctor Horacio HENRY. Delegates from the National Secretariat of Sports and the National Olympic Committee of Uruguay also attended the symposium.

The Symposium was opened by a video message from the President of the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (IPCC), Prof. Dr. Stephan WASSONG, followed by speeches from President Héctor Horacio HENRY, Dr. Sebastián BAUZÁ, National Secretary for Sport and Gral. Jorge ROSALES, Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee of Uruguay.

Two days of presentations and lectures were followed by panel discussions and question and answer sessions. Most of the Latin American Pierre de Coubertin Committees had lectures by their presidents.

The presentations were made as follows:

  • Jean DURRY (FRA): ‘’Pierre de Coubertin as he is, through his manuscripts‘’.
  • Prof. Nelson TODT (BRA): ‘’The IOC and the United Nations for Human Rights ‘’.
  • Fernando CÁCERES (URU): ‘’Journey to the seed. The legacy of Pierre de Coubertin‘’.
  • Gastón PAEZ (ARG): ‘’The importance and essence of ceremonies in the organisation of the Olympic Games”.
  • Carlos Manuel HERNÁNDEZ (MEX): ‘‘The informative value of the practice of sport ‘’.
  • Daniel de la CUEVA (ARG): ‘’Olympic education and the current challenges of Olympism‘’.
  • Carlos VILLEGAS (COL) “Coubertin in Paris 2024”.
  • Elvira RAMINI (SUI): ‘’Evolution of the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee‘’.
  • Dr. Julio MAGLIONE (URU): ‘’ From Juan Antonio SAMARANCH to Thomas BACH, continuity and change in the IOC’‘.
  • Prof. Dante STEFFANO (URU): ‘’Activities of the Pierre de Coubertin Committee of Uruguay, past, present and future’’.

Important attention has been paid to the participation of young students, future researchers who will promote our themes of interest and build the Latin American heritage. Transfer of knowledge has become a tradition since the first Symposium. It is aimed at training young students. Argentinian educators in this field, Prof. Dante PARRA and Prof. Elba TOMASSONI, collaborated with the Uruguayan committee in this part of the symposium.

On behalf of all the members of the IPCC, we thank and congratulate the Latin American Association of National Pierre de Coubertin Committees for the fulfilment of the mission of the IPCC and for the dissemination of the works of Pierre de Coubertin and the main lines of his thought.

We are particularly grateful to the President, Héctor Horacio HENRY, and the Secretary General, Prof. Dante STEFFANO, for their initiative and motivation in organising this Symposium, as well as for their friendship and hospitality. The organization of this event contributed to the celebration of 100 years of Olympism in Uruguay.