
The International Network of Pierre de Coubertin Schools is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. It was created in 1997 at the IPCC Conference held in Le Havre, France. Since then, a significant culture of education concerning Coubertin’s philosophy and pedagogy has been established and has served to educate young primary- and secondary-school pupils.

We are proud to announce that the first Pierre de Coubertin School established in the American continent, the Instituto Pierre de Coubertin in Oaxaca, Mexico, has just published the third edition of a series of health and nutrition manuals for its primary- and secondary-school pupils with introductory chapters on the life and work of Pierre de Coubertin. 

All volumes of this new edition (2022-2025) provide additional information on Pierre de Coubertin’s biography followed by information on the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (IPCC), the International Network of Pierre de Coubertin Schools and the Coubertin Institute of Oaxaca. The introductory messages stress the importance of promoting the ideals of Pierre de Coubertin and Olympic values in education programmes for children and young people today.

We congratulate the authors of the series of these manuals, Lilia Victoria Sánchez Sánchez, Doctor in Education and Development, and Mario Eduardo Martínez Sánchez, Doctor in Endocrinology and Nutrition, who have been fulfilling their mission for many years with motivation and enthusiasm.

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